
Create an ultra-reliable data ecosystem

One of our reputed clients who specialised in recruitment faced major ongoing technical limitations. Due to a vast and growing userbase their website was receiving hundreds of thousands of daily requests, and their infrastructure couldn’t keep up. Services were going down, customers couldn’t use the website, and the company’s support centre was overwhelmed. The client desperately needed to migrate their legacy data system to a new cloud solution focussed on service stability and sustainability – all whilst the website stayed live. The problem was time, and how


Modern cloud microservice mesh

Our first priorities were to fully understand the system’s needs and deliver under a strict timeline. We immediately performed a system assessment and impact analysis to get the lay of the land and determine the safest, lowest disruption migration method. We then evaluated options from our toolkit of technologies,  reaching out to key partners in our network to validate our recommendations. Two solid options were presented to the client for approval soon after. The chosen plan summoned the industry-leading Google Cloud product suite: automating data streaming through Pub/Sub, re-envisioning database operations as microservices with Kubernetes Engine, and building a production-ready data core using BigQuery. This new Google Cloud environment was deployed, tested and rolled out into the live backend overnight – smoothly sunsetting the legacy system


Error-free, aways-on data cloud with ultra-efficient task optimisation & limitless scalability

99.9% service availability

ZERO implementation down-time

>1 MILLION users reliably served

25% cost reduction from demand-scaling